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07 August 2023

This is a good example of how reading stimulates my mind. For example, this article by Karl Korsch inspires me to put into question, once more, the legitimacy of artworks like ‘a Tale of Charleston’. Am I autonomizing my thoughts about the future of Charleston’s local Black cultures when I insist on creating artifacts without seeking the voices of their members? Not sure. It is a tale after all, not a community, participatory endeavor which would require reciprocity and exchange. My ambition is not to propose an urban planning design but to expose a creative vision, to visualize a vast imaginary, open to interpretation, towards the liberation of some im/possible dreams!

Yet, not only does the reading of Korsch help me justify the tale. It also stresses, again and again, the importance of actualizing one’s sources, one’s beliefs, one’s knowledge. Lest one’s hopes for transformation succumb and find comfort in the repetition of same, same, same… Which is a fair definition for nightmare!


I believe TINYisPOWERFUL will be an agent of change the day it offers communities inventive art tools for the facilitation of meetings, dialogues.

I can remember how Amy from ROOTS was intrigued by this idea of administrative processes, being inspired and motivated mostly by/in the spirit of the arts; not yet coded modes of public deliberation.

The Question-Relay is a case in point, where answers as well as questions are open, beyond expectations.

I am taking all this to ROOTS camp which starts tomorrow, late afternoon.

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