This time again, to close the note above, l was tempted to get into an unnecessary high praise of tiny business with deflated and tired words. They were reflecting directly on my own exhaustion and how it translates into platitudes.
Good thing the studio work is doing better. Doing well, actually! With Gwylène, we are rejuvenating our (my?) formal vocabulary, as we remember the lessons from ‘Space and its Representations’ (the course we designed and taught together at Beaux-Arts School, Nancy, France). Indeed, the passage from the second to the third dimension and back is traitorous but exhilarating.
This morning I also discovered the present wave of feminist literature in Spain.
Inevitably, I added to it the global fame of the Spanish women soccer team at the world cup after its win over England, and I was compelled to order a book by Cristina Morales, ‘Lecture Facile’, from a company l just discovered: RECYCLIVRE.COM
Can’t wait to receive this new book, since I am close to finishing ‘Another Country’ by James Baldwin – very easy read as far as the storyline is concerned. As for the deep psychological dissection of the two questions of race and gender relations in America (and France?) at the time, good thing the literary style is smooth! B’cause the relationships are not! Rather bleak actually but sharp as a razor blade in their reality. This Baldwin is dangerously powerful.