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22 October 2023

Today I am reminded of two major figures in the world of the arts: Pinar Selek and Werner Herzog. One is originally Turk, the other German. Both share the power of their unique and uncompromising voice for independence and freedom of expression.

As I mark these words: independence and freedom of expression, I realize their fragility, were the space in which they deploy to fall under the censorship of an authoritarian regime, a police state or a state where the notion of Police and free speech are totally corrupted (as in the US or France or …).

On the other hand, I happen to be presently reading Angela Davis’ autobiography. She describes how little time it took inmates to know of her presence, as soon as she was booked at the Manhattan detention center for women; how the Black personnel showed her immediate solidarity; and how she could hear the voice of crowds, outside, already demanding her release! This gave her heart. She was jailed, maybe, but she was not defeated. It takes maximum violence to suppress this kind of support and measuring the latency of police reactions is a good gage of ‘democracy’!


Here, I want to name Bertrand Badie, Emeritus Professor at Science Po – Paris. I think his view of the Israel-Palestine conflict is remarkably clear, principled and passionate.

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