Yesterday was Creative Sync day. I sort of dreaded it. After the Rasha session, this one could have been so uninspiring! But it was not the case. Victoria was at a meeting with Donnelley, Marcus was present. Rayn ran the ramdam!
Of course, we talked about Palestine in our check-in. And I asked Marcus if he was not surprised that no one is quoting or mentioning Hannah Arendt these days. Although she wrote extensively about Israel’s posture as historic displacer of Palestinians. Well, Marcus did not know about her. But it gave me an opportunity to talk about totalitarianism! I am not sure folks got my point though.
I also intervened to express my worry that three of the latest topics we considered to be important for TINYisPOWERFUL to talk about had been forgotten. To me, it meant that we were trying to cover too much ground every time we met and that it led to repetitions and fatigue at the expense of these important issues. Maybe, we should focus more on fewer things. The App, for example, which was originally supposed to be the prime channel of correspondence for the TINYisPOWERFUL membership … is it being retooled at the edges or fully revamped?
Pam proposed that it be left to Victoria, Rayn and Marcus to work on. We agreed! Which tells me that there is definitely a generation gap between the young computer savvies and the other guys! Not so smart after all! But … we cannot be everything to everybody, or can we? I believe Donnelley, even if it still seems interested to support a ‘more experimental’ art project, may get a bit tired of our multiple directions.
That is where I propose that TINYisPOWERFUL become a research center for what it means to be a PRACTITIONER OF ART IN/WITH COMMUNITY. This, in itself would be a huge field to cover.
- What are the specificities of art in.with community?
- What does it mean to practice art in/with community?
- What are art tools?
- Where do art tools fit in this practice?
…. and more questions to come!